A new research group at Télécom Paris
A new research group is born and let’s call it FOLCS standing for Future of learning in Computer Science.
After a 6 year fruitful collaboration, Rémi Sharrock, Ella Hamonic, Mathias Hiron and Gérard Memmi decided to found a research group dedicated to the future of computer science education. This lab is hosted by Télécom Paris (a school from IMT and Institut Polytechnique de Paris).
This project was made possible thanks to several learning projects driven by the team in collaboration with different colleagues and institutions in France (France ioi, IMT, Fondation IMT) and all around the world, especially at Dartmouth College (USA).
The key figures
- More 300 000 learners have used and validated the tools and technologies developed
- 2 grants provided by Fondation IMT (mécénat Patrick et Lina Drahi, Diner Prestige Alumni)
- 2 grants provided by Région Ile-de-France (Trophées edtech 2019&2020)
- 1 grant provided by PIA (Programme d’investissements d’avenir from the French Government)
- 2 prizes