
Future of Learning in Computer Science

Team Members

  • Rémi Sharrock, FOLCS Lab co-founder, Researcher and Lecturer, Télécom Paris, LTCI, Institut Polytechnique de Paris, IMT.
  • Gérard Memmi, FOLCS Lab co-founder, Head of the Networks and Computer Science Department, Télécom Paris
  • Ella Hamonic, FOLCS Lab co-founder, Edtech consultant and learning designer
  • Mathias Hiron, FOLCS Lab co-founder, president of France-IOI

Team Collaborators

  • Petra Bonfert Taylor, Professor, Thayer School of Engineering, Dartmouth University
  • Michael Goudzwaard, Associate Director of Learning Innovation, Dartmouth University
  • Olivier Berger, Research Engineer, Computer Science Department, Telecom SudParis, IP Paris, IMT
  • Jeanne Parmentier, Physicist, Institut Villebon Georges Charpak
  • Tony Février, Mathematician, Institut Villebon Georges Charpak
  • Alain Virouleau, Mathematician, Institut Villebon Georges Charpak
  • Lucas Besnard, Intern and Student at Ecole 42, Paris